Managed by SWIRCA's Nutrition Department, Meals on Wheels Southwestern Indiana provides local seniors and those in need with hot, nutritious meals through home meal delivery and neighborhood lunch sites. SWIRCA follows federal dietary guidelines and meal plans for optimal nutrition.
Lunch Sites like SWIRCA's Ivy Cafe`, provide engagement opportunities and help keep seniors active in our community. Frequent in-home visits through Meal Delivery provides unique opportunities to meet nutritional needs, combat social isolation, address safety hazards, and provide holistic care.
Join us for food, fellowship, and fun! The Ivy Cafe`, SWIRCA's largest congregate meal site, is located in SWIRCA's Activity and Wellness Center at 16 W. Virginia Street in Evansville, Indiana.
Lunch Sites
Individuals must be 60 years or older
Meal Delivery
At least 60 years of age or enrolled as a CHOICE client.
No one in the home that can drive
Unable to prepare meals for yourself
Home delivered meals are the most cost effective method
Be willing to participate in an in-home assessment
If you have questions regarding eligibility, please contact the Nutrition Department at (812) 464-7807 or (866) 501-0067.
For only $35 you can ensure a senior has meals for one week!
$140 can ensure a senior has meals for one month and $420 for three months.
Donations to SWIRCA & More can be made securely online and are accepted in our office located at 16 W. Virginia Street, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am until 4:30 pm.
Please contact the Nutrition Department at (812) 464-7807 or (866) 501-0067.
City of Evansville and the Community Development Block Grant is a partial donor.