Title III-B Supportive Services and Senior Center Programs are provided through Indiana's 16 Area Agencies on Aging. The services, under the Older Americans Act, as amended, organize, coordinate and provide community-based services and opportunities for older individuals and their families.
Title III-D or Disease Prevention and Health Promotion services are provided through Indiana's 16 Area Agencies on Aging. Services provide information and support to older individuals with the intent to assist them in avoiding illness and improving health status. Services are provided at multipurpose senior community centers, congregate meal sites, home-delivered meals programs, senior high-rises, retirement communities or other appropriate sites.
Home Delivered Meals are meals brought to the client's home. Each meal complies with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans published by the Secretaries of the Department of Health and Human Services and the United States Department of Agriculture.
Congregate meals are meals which comply with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans published by the Secretaries of the Department of Health and Human Services and the United States Department of Agriculture and are available to eligible clients or other eligible participants at a nutrition site, senior center or another congregate setting.